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Sports Premium Funding 2021 - 2022


Breakdown of Spending 2022-23 received £16,960.00



National Curriculum Requirements


Current Year 6 cohort that can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m.


Current Year 6 cohort that can use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke).


Current Year 6 cohort that can perform sake self-rescue in different water based situations.


Have you used the Primary PE and Sports Premium to provide additional provision for swimming?



5 Key Indicators (KIs)


  1. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
  2. Profile of PEand sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PEand sport.
  4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  5. Increased participation in competitive sport.




Total Amount Spent




Competition Pathway (DB sport)

Ongoing from September 2022 – July 2023



Children are able to engage in competitive sports remotely, which will allow them to develop a range of important skills including trust, responsibility, partnership, integrity, resilience and respect.

Develop a school culture whereby children are happy and confident to participate competitively in sport appreciating the youth games values.

Specialist Sports Teacher

Wednesday afternoon and after school club




Continued CPD which has resulted in staff becoming more confident and competent when delivering Physical Education thereby, improving children’s learning.

Teachers feel confident in teaching a variety of sports and activities and as a result, are able to plan future lessons effectively.

Children can confidently participate in a variety of sporting activities and develop healthy, active habits that will accompany them throughout their lifetime.  

Specialist Sports Coach -tennis


Half of Autumn term (8 afternoons)


Spring 2 (8 afternoons)


Summer term (13 sessions + 13 lunchtimes)



Opportunity for children’s learning to be improved through high quality teaching.

Develop a school culture whereby children are happy and confident to participate in sport.

Children can confidently participate in a variety of cricket related activities and develop healthy, active habits that will accompany them throughout their lifetime.  

Playtime Equipment

4 pairs coloured stilts, and 2 pairs Gluckskafer wooden stilts



To encourage children to be active at playtimes with their peers.

Happy children, who enjoy being active with their peers.

Sports equipment order

Footballs, tennis balls etc



Support high quality delivery of PE sessions.

Provide interactive playtime opportunities for pupils.

Help develop playtime games and teaching of PE.

Dance teacher

Autumn term and summer 1 term



CPD for staff, to further-improve quality of education, and broader offer of PE content, through specialist, high-quality teaching. Pupils able to express themselves in a variety of ways through dance, building skills and developing confidence and self-esteem.

Teachers more confident in teaching a specialist area (dance) and as a result, are able to plan future lessons effectively.

Children in each year group confidently participating in a way to be healthy and contributing positively to wellbeing.

Football coaching

31st October 2021 – 6th Feb 2022



CPD for staff, to further-improve quality of education, and broader offer of PE content, through specialist, high-quality teaching.

Teachers gaining valuable experience in delivering quality sessions to raise the standard in PE lessons

Tennis net replacements

3 x nets



Support high quality delivery of PE sessions.

Provide interactive playtime opportunities for pupils.

Resources able to be used ongoing during PE lessons and playtimes

Waterproof clothing for forest schools

Class set Regatta



Supporting children’s access to forest school sessions, year-round, to ensure they continue to enjoy the benefits that the sessions provide: wellbeing, respect for environment, creativity and physical activity.

Resource provides a full-class set to ensure sessions can continue whatever the weather

Gym equipment

2 x replacement wooden benches



Support high quality delivery of PE sessions.

Provide interactive playtime opportunities for pupils.

Resources able to be used ongoing during PE lessons and gym club

Computing equipment

17 x Apple 10.2 inch Ipad – 9th gen



Support high quality delivery of PE sessions.

Provide interactive opportunities for assessment and coaching of pupils in PE.

Children have access to equipment to support PE assessment and engage in coaching opportunities to develop leadership skills

Computing equipment

Charging units for ipads



Support high quality delivery of PE sessions.

Provide interactive opportunities for assessment and coaching of pupils in PE.

Coach travel

Subsidised travel to sporting competitions



Gives children the opportunity to participate in a variety of sporting competitions.

Develop a school culture whereby children are happy and confident to participate in sport at a competitive level.

Pay for travel to competitions (up to £2000)


Gives children the opportunity to participate in a variety of sporting competitions.

Develop a school culture whereby children are happy and confident to participate in sport at a competitive level.

Sports Safe equipment checks (up to £800)


All equipment is checked and safe to use.

Children feel confident knowing equipment is fit for purpose and of a good standard.