The Friends of Topcliffe School
FOTS is a group of committed parents, who work extremely hard to help raise valuable funds for the school. The group organises and publicises a number of events throughout the year, which brings the school community together in a social setting as well as raising money. The funds are used to purchase resources for the school which it would otherwise find difficult to afford.
Over the years this has included installing permanent low level adventurous play equipment for use at playtime, purchasing a splendid pavilion, a variety of playtime equipment for children, books for our school library, pupil laptops and a wildlife area, where children can sit and talk quietly if they wish.
All new starters are presented with a school book bag, whilst children moving to secondary school receive a gift.
Minutes from meeting:
Click here for minutes of 17.05.24 meeting.
Please see below, information regarding the School Lottery project:
There are also chances to win a huge 25k jackpot. The school gets 40p in every £1!
Click on the following link to enter: