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To be a family of professional and aspirational academies, where children are valued, inspired and confident.

To share a relentless determination that every child can achieve and no child is left behind.



Children, staff and families are at the heart of everything we do. 

High expectations for all, in all we do. 

Improvement through professional partnership and collaboration 

Outcome driven practice informed by reflection, analysis and research.

To see the full Elevate website please click here.

Elevate Multi Academy Trust, is a private company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 10814201. 

Registered office address:  Inspiration Way, Topcliffe Road, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 1TS

Elevate Multi Academy Trust, is an exempt charity.

Data Protection and the GDPR: Privacy notices

Elevate Multi Academy Trust values the data their Academies hold on children, parents, employees and contractors and ensures their Academies maintain secure procedures so that this data is held safely.

Each Academy has their own personal privacy notice which can be found on their respective website.

Statutory policies relating to GDPR can be found on Elevate's website.

All computer users have individual login AND passwords to identify users and ensure no-one else is able to access their data.

We employ up-to-date anti-virus and anti malware firewalls.

Whilst Elevate's website is held and managed through the internet, no sensitive data is ever uploaded to it and we respond quickly and effectively to any requests to correct or remove content when appropriate.

GDPR staff training

All Elevate staff are being trained in their rights and responsibilities under the new General Data Protection regulations through one-to-one conversations and group training. This will be an on going and regular process.

Elevate MAT News Letters


Trust News Letter - April 2018